When you go on a safari, you’re put in the place of the observer: watching, waiting, and learning as you go. Your gaze is intent, your focus is on your surroundings, and your body is completely still as you take in the scenery of the sprawling landscape. Especially if you’re someone who is always on the go, being in a situation where you’re forced to observe rather than act can be a nice change of pace.
Luckily, you don’t need to travel to the Savanna to get the safari experience. Expert Chris Jarvis has taken the “pause and observe” essence of the safari and put it in a tool that business owners can use now!
The Wild Factor Assessment
The Wild Factor Assessment is a simple, easy to use online quiz that you can complete in four minutes or less. After you take the Wild Factor Assessment, you’ll be assigned an animal that represents your personality. In addition to learning your animal, you’ll receive a customized, personalized 14-page report in your inbox that goes into more depth of how you align with the 5 areas of life: Health, Finances, Career, Relationships, and Fun.
Portrait of expert Chris Jarvis.

Why should you take your business on safari?
Business is always hectic, and it can be easy to get lost in the work and pull away from the people in your business. Forcing yourself to hit the pause button and reconnect with your team is essential to running a cohesive operation.
Contrary to what you may think, the Wild Factor Assessment does not point out your strongest and weakest traits. Your highest score shows you what the dominant voice in your head is, while your lowest score reveals what you’re willing to concede first. Knowing these qualities about yourself and those around you helps you better understand the mentalities that someone else might have. Leaders can use the knowledge they gain from taking their business on safari to improve their team management, practice greater empathy, and better their sales.
Ready to take your business on safari? Click here to take the Wild Factor Assessment.